Photos For Dating Profile

Ashley Batz/Bustle

Get professional dating photos for your dating profile from an experienced online dating photographer, as a bonus you can use the same photos for your dating profiles, social media sites, Facebook and LinkedIn. One photo shoot can be used across all your online profiles. What could be better than multi-use photos for your online presence. Find out what your pics are really saying about you. Choose photos that make the right impression for your professional, social, and dating profiles. Bad photos ensure cold and lonely nights. The first thing to think about is how people will be viewing your dating profile photos – with a growing segment of users turning to their phone first, that’s likely to be on a small screen. Most people are looking at dating sites on smaller screens, so your photos.

  1. Here are the photos you should use on your online dating profile. For our inaugural CNET online dating advice column, we explore just how the hell you're supposed to strike up a conversation with.
  2. The Perfect Number: 47% of singles say having 3-4 photos is the ideal number of pictures to have on a dating profile, as it provides a good overview of someone. What About Facial Expressions? If you’re unsure of what facial expression to use in your next (unfiltered) selfie, the following are deemed most attractive on a dating profile.

When you're single and looking to mingle, there's absolutely no shame in turning to online dating (aka the ol' millennial standby) to help you find someone. There's also no shame in doing some research to figure out how to get more matches on dating apps — because putting a little time and effort upfront into updating your dating profile can really pay off in the long run. One thing that can seriously make all the difference? Knowing what kinds of pictures to use on dating apps, and which ones are better left to collect virtual dust on your old Photobucket account.

'I like to call dating app photos 'prime advertising space,' Meredith Davis, Head of Communications at dating app The League, tells Bustle. 'On The League, you only have up to six photos to advertise what is important to you whether that be family, sports, travel, etc. Rather than trying to optimize for the most hearts, I always suggest trying to optimize for the right hearts. The people with similar passions or interests as you will get excited about potentially matching if they see that you also enjoy hiking, cooking, or hanging out with your family.'

In the fast-paced world of online dating, first impressions make a big difference, and the photos you choose should say something about who you are. So if you feel like you need to hit refresh on your dating profile, here are 11 hacks for making the most of your profile pics — and hopefully raking in even more matches as a result.

When you see your mom this upcoming Mother's Day, you might want to press pause on brunch to ask her to pose for a few pictures with you: according to new data from The League, users who have at least one photo with their mom saw a seven percent higher match rate than those without. Because who doesn't want a date who appreciates their mama?

According to a 2016 study from Tinder — which analyzed 12,000 photographs from users aged 18 to 40 from multiple major U.S. metro cities — you're better off ditching hats and glasses in your dating app pics. Users wearing glasses in a profile picture (prescription or sunglasses) were 15 percent less likely to be right-swiped; for those wearing a hat, their chances of being swiped right on decreased by 12 percent.

If your goal is to attract a mate (or just a date) online, you might want to take a leaf from the peacock's book and flaunt some brightly colored attire in your dating app pics. According to the Tinder study, 72 percent of Tinder users opt for outfits in neutral colors like black, white, or beige in their profile pictures — which means if you wear something bright, you'll be more likely to stand out (and hopefully catch a cutie's eye).

If you're camera shy, coming up with more than one or two good photos of yourself for your dating apps can be tough — but it's totally worth the effort if you want more matches.

'I would encourage users to provide multiple shots that feature them in different ways, such as a full-length shot, a shot from the waist up, etc.,' Dr. Jess Carbino, Bumble Sociologist (formerly Tinder Sociologist), tells Bustle. 'You should be providing different perspectives of who you are in all facets.'

According to Hinge's 2017 Profile Picture Report, 80 percent of Hinge users' profile pictures were posed — but those that werecandid were 15 percent more likely to be liked by other users. Some practical advice? Have a handful of both candids and posed shots to get the best of both worlds and wow everyone.

Although it's not a good idea to have *only* group photos on your dating apps (no one can tell who's who!), having a couple shots of you and your friends enjoying a night out can go a long way. Hinge's Profile Picture Report found that pictures of users having fun with their friends somewhere were 74 percent more likely to get a like.

You might have put a lot of hard work into learning how to perfectly smize, but a regular old smile might be more beneficial for your dating profile: the Hinge Profile Picture Report found that photos of users showing off their pearly whites were 23 percent more likely to be liked.

You might typically be Team #NoFilter, but trying out a black and white filter for one (but not all) of your dating app pictures might not be a bad idea. According to the Hinge Profile Picture Report, although only three percent of users' pictures were black and white, those that were were 106 times more likely to be liked than color photos — talk about good odds!

If sports are your thing, you're in luck: the Hinge data found that photos of users playing a sport or doing something athletic performed 75 percent better than the average, non-sporty photo. If you need me, I'll be over here editing donuts out of my pictures and replacing them with basketballs.

In a 2017 study to see if travel photos fare better than other dating app photos, Hinge analyzed around 180,000 user photos and found that, while only 3.4 percent of were of travel, those that were received 30 percent morelikes. There you have it: a ready-made excuse to book a plane ticket to the exotic locale of your dreams, all in the name of boosting your dating profile.

If you're wondering what you should absolutely not do in your dating app pics, here are the biggest no-nos, courtesy of the Hinge Profile Picture Report: wearing sunglasses, using Snapchat filters, posing with a possible significant other, beach photos, and selfies — particularly bathroom selfies.

Ultimately, the trick to getting more matches online is simple: don't be afraid to make a real connection, and always be your most authentic self. So upload whichever photos make you feel like your best, most beautiful self, and watch as the matches roll in!

Dating profile photos—a phrase that usually elicits a collective sigh from all single people in earshot. We all know that photos are the most important element of a successful online dating profile, yet we still leave our profiles feeling like we could’ve done better. If you’re looking for ways to improve your profile photos, this guide won’t have you strutting your stuff on the next season of America’s Next Top Model, but, at the cost of a little extra effort, it’ll help anyone take flattering, attractive photos that get noticed by more people on online dating apps.

What Makes a Good Photo


People are visual creatures. We all know a good photo when we see one, even if we can’t place a finger on just what makes it so appealing. Nobody’s asking you to be the next Ansel Adams—you’re shooting for a dating profile—but knowing some photography basics can go a long way in improving your online dating game.

Here are a few small components that can improve your photos dramatically:

1. Smiling
First, in every photo the subject should be you smiling. Photo data from the online dating site and app Zoosk, shows that people smiling receive almost four times as many messages and those who don’t. If you think you’re less attractive smiling, then take our word for it: you’re not. Ok, so you may be thinking that people can tell when a smile is canned for a photo. You’re right. So how do you get around that? The key is to smile with your eyes. Crinkled eyes are the main way people can tell a genuine smile from a fake. So just take a moment to remember that time your best friend spilled spaghetti all down their white shirt before you say cheese.

2. Framing
Next, I want to touch on framing, or what’s in the shot. Are you in the stands at a football game with 10,000 other spectators, or is it a selfie with your hair cropped out? Framing determines not only what makes it into the shot, but what our eyes are drawn to. The Rule of Thirds is a quick photography technique to help you with your framing. Take your photo frame and draw two lines lengthwise and heightwise, cutting the frame into thirds each way. There should be four intersections where the length lines and height lines meet. This is where our eyes tend to focus in a photo. Make sure that your face hits these focal points in your photos. That’s the basics of the Rule of Thirds.

3. Lighting
Lastly, let’s talk briefly about lighting and resolution. When taking dating photos, you want to make sure that the light is bright enough to let us see the details of your photo, but not so bright that we’re blinded. If the shot is a little too bright, you can usually apply a filter from your phone to dim the brightness. With photos that are too dark, fixes aren’t so easy. Resolution is pretty simple—just make sure your photos are high quality and in focus. These days, even lower end smartphones can snap very nice photos, so there’s no excuse for grainy specks floating around!

How to Make a Photo Interesting

If you’re like me, you probably just took a few selfies and called it a day. Unfortunately, six selfies against your kitchen wall will get old pretty quick. Now that we know the qualities that make a good photo from a technical standpoint, we need to spice them up.

Add photos of yourself doing things you love.
A dating profile is an opportunity for other daters to get a feel for your personality, so let them! Start by including some photos that show off your interests. Whether you’re hiking Half Dome or jumping 10 stairs on a skateboard, action shots make for more interesting photos than you tucked behind the desk of your home office. Hobbies and interests can serve as common ground to get you and other daters talking.

Vacation photos are always a good idea.
Have any beachside memories from your last Hawaii trip? Don’t hesitate to throw a photo of onto your profile. Zoosk data shows that vacation photos net profiles way more messages. Colorful and exotic locations are a good way to draw in the eyes of daters that would otherwise wander to other profiles.

Use group photos sparingly.
Next up: group photos. OK, this is a controversial one. If you’ve dated online before, you’ve probably come across a photo of 32 people that reads, “I’m the one in the middle.” If someone has to spend time to identify who in the photo the profile belongs to, chances are, they’ll move onto the next profile. I usually like to use a group shot as one of my last photos, because it can show me having fun with friends at a party or event in the way reading at a coffee shop can’t. Still, if you have any doubts, leave out the group shots. Definitely not required.

Balance it out.
You’re profile should tell a cohesive story through your photos, not a life history. Picking photos is a balancing act of showing who you are and showing off how you look. Your profile doesn’t need to prompt a proposal. If you’re not sure what vibe you should be going for, it should always be two words: attractive and interesting.

Profile Tips and Tricks

Once you’ve settled on a few photos, you’re almost on your way. Here are a couple extra tips to help you optimize your efforts:

1. Your first photo is the most important and should always be your most photogenic. Make sure you’re wearing your best smile for this one.

Professional Photos For Dating Profile

2. Always have at least one full-body shot. Having two or three good shots is probably best, but Zoosk data shows that profiles with at least one body shot get over twice as many incoming messages. Physical attraction is an important quality for many in deciding who they would date, so don’t hide who you are.

PhotosPhotos For Dating Profile

3. Make sure your clothes fit well and are location appropriate. Nothing says staged photo like designer jeans on a beach towel.

4. More photos are a good thing. Some apps and services allow up to twenty photos, but our data suggests that having at least five photos will have you getting more messages and longer conversations. Don’t skimp on the number!

5. If you don’t have good photos on hand, don’t hesitate to grab a friend, pack a few outfits, and go out on a shoot. Lunch on you. If you don’t pose for photos often, modeling can be difficult. Using props is a good way to add to the fun factor of a photo and the shoot. Props can be anything from a book to a cup of coffee, anything to keep your hands out of your pockets.

Well, that’s about it. It may sound like a lot and it is. But putting a little more effort into your photos may be the best way to bump your chances.

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