How To Find Someone On Hookup Sites

You'll find people who work the regular 9-5, people who work the night shift, and people in other time zones, so it's nearly impossible to log on and not have a ton of people to talk to. Find out if they are using Tinder or registered on any of the top 50 dating sites in the next 30 seconds. Find out quickly, easily, and effortlessly boyfriend, husband, wife or someone you know is active on other dating sites and playing you. With a simple email search, Profile Searcher will improve the odds by searching over 100 major paid. Best hookup apps and dating sites to find casual sex with no strings attached Expand your options past someone at the bar — or your ex. By Leah Stodart and Miller Kern on July 7, 2021. Here are the top one-night stand sites for instant hookups based on the overall ease it is to find someone for one-night stand dating. I take into consideration the quantity (number of users), the quality of the users (attractiveness) and the overall time it will take to meet these people in real life. After putting a profile, you can go straight to the quick match for matches who are recommended by the app, based on your location and requirements. If you find someone you are interested in, you can swipe right to follow or you can swipe left to pass if you don’t like.

TL;DR: Step 1 - Prepare, Step 2 - Find Your Local Hookup

Prepare for Your Casual Hookup


We already wrote about one night stands, casual sex, dating, relationships and how stuffs works. this time we want to focus on helping you to find sex partners near you. First, to know that there is no such thing as a free hookup, you need to have some money in the pocket. If you meet the person you should have money for few drinks, condoms, place to stay (hotel room) or something like that. If you are women, then you can have totally free hookups whenever you want, since men taking care of such details :)

Keep in mind that in every smaller or larger community, no matter do you living in NYC, Paris, London or some smaller city or even village, there is always the same number of males and females with same need: to have sex. That means, that actually, it is pretty easy to find someone, you just need to know where to look and what approach to have for success. Put some money in your pocket, and start looking around since a lot of women (and men) near you seeking someone for 'solving' own sexual desire. In days of CraigsList personal ads, it was a bit easier, but CraigsList closed their personal ads in March / 2018. Still, there are very good CraigsList alternatives, but we will describe 3 other ways than seeking local sex partner using classifieds websites.

Use Hookup Sites to Find Casual Sex partner

Online 'way' is one of the best those days, because everybody is online! No matter are you, teenager or senior, all your potential sex partners are online. Go online and grab what you need! In past years we are maintaining (review, rate, track user response and votes) list of hookup sites that actually work. Some of them are free, some are paid, generally paid sites works better, due to a simple fact: when someone needs to pay $10 or $20 membership fee, they probably will not be trolling other people, post fake account, photos and so on. That doesn't mean that free hookup sites are not usable, we are just giving slightly advantage to paid casual meeting sites. On the other side, still you can have luck and meet someone who is serious on free hookup site, there is no rules, but in general paid sites are better than free.

If you are new to Online Hookups world, keep in mind few simple instructions: Open account on one or more casual sex sites (recommended at least two, so you can play 'large numbers game'). Setup your profile (identity). That means that you need to pick few best pictures of you, and to write one or two simple sentences that describe exactly who you are and what you want. Do not go into deep details, but also don't leave blank. Other people (women) have only those 2 parameters to decide will they hook up with you or not: your look and few sentences of what you are. We don't recommend to put pictures of you 10 years ago, or something like that, just pick few of the best photos and upload in your hookup profile. When writing info about you, try not to be boring, try to make reader on the other side interested and curious to find out something more about you, don't say too much, but also don't skip that step.


1st on our list for this and previous months (and years) , and in top 3 all the time. One of oldest hookup sites with huge members base and tradtion. They also offering various 'tools' for finding partners that other sites don't have.They have focused not only on singles but also women in relationships/marriage who are seeking some more 'fun', that is one of the reasons why they are so popular since 2001.

Focused on women 35+ who are seeking local younger males .
New, I mean I 'discovered' this hookup site few weeks ago, and for now like it very much, mostly of time for now I am spending on uLust.
Almostt perfect, a lot of females in 30-45 age range, like it very much, had few hookups there.
Excellent hooking up site, fresh, many new members low rate of fake profiles. Also, popular amoung couples who are seeking other couples or male / female singles.
New with a bit different concept, we are tracking for short time, excellent, A++ (for now).
HonrnySexts for dirty talks and meeting. Most of female members are in 20-35 age range. One of new raising stars when it come to hookup sites.
New hookup site, for now we are just tracking but looks really good and fresh, maybe should be rated higher, since success was very good there, but we again need some time to see what will be with this (for now) great casual sex site.
Excellent, huge members base, inovative concept, new cantidate for #1 site. Refreshing, we will keep our atention on this site.
Another new and interesting concept: you don't need to open account, everything works as FaceBook app, so you just login with your FB account, everything is descreet and others can see that you are using this app to find hookup, mean on girlfriends, wifes, parents and so on, safe to use :)
Excellent, new, very low number of fake and inactive profiles.
Mostly focuse for finding women in 30s, 40s and 50s who are seeking younger men, Very good!
New, a bit different concept, for now extremelly good hookup / casual sex site, let say 'refreshing' compared to all other hookup sites and apps.
Only 8 weeks on our list but very very promising hookup site, fresh and very simple to use (both on desktop and mobile)
Great adult dating (hookup) site focused to find people near you. Technically it is great, you can use it from any mobile or desktop (laptop) device, easy and full functionality even on older mobile phones. Very solid users base, male to female ratio very good aprox. 2.5 : 1, highly recommanded.
A lot of new members, ready for fast 'communication' and making ASAP 'connections', highly recommended :)

Use Hookup Apps to find Casual Sex partner

Unlike Casual meeting (hookup) sites that exist in various form for past 20 or more years, something new in last 10, are hookup apps. The principle is very same, but we are noticing a trend in past years that becomes harder to get laid using the app than site due to higher men competition on apps. We also maintain a list of free and paid Hookup Apps (Tinder, Bumble, Down, Pure, etc) so you can take a look. Also, user rated list of Hookup Sites and apps is something that helps to us to give rating to various sites.

The principle is very similar, but apps are more focused on 'visual', that means in simple words that on apps 10% males can have (and having sex) with 80-90% percent of women who are there. Some say that those are natural rules and that more attractive and powerful men will have more chicks and better sex life, and life at all. We are not sure if that explanation is true or not, but any case it makes sense.

Apps are simply 'faster' marketplace than sites or real-life meeting people for sex. Every app gives you a suggestion which member you should try to contact, what give us situations that many women have literally thousands of messages every day, and most of the guys don't get a single response, so there is no communication. No communication = no sex.

What Sites Are Best To Find A Party and Play Buddy

Find PNP Hookup Sites

What sites are best to find a party and play buddy to hookup?

This is one of those golden questions that we of the tweaker variety tend to find ourselves asking soon as we take a hit.

Gone are the days of Craigslist personals and Backpage, and partiers are not met with warm reception on many of the large mainstream hookup sites.

The question then becomes: “How then do we find each other?”

Luckily for you, I have already done the research!

So, mainstream apps like Facebook dating and Tinder are out of the question. Doublelist, the self-proclaimed “replacement for Craigslist classifieds” actively tracks down and permanently bans our accounts. NOT a viable option!

There are sites like Reddit and Twitter, as well as motherless, where many of us congregate - but with no built in mechanism for searching for other people by distance and location - coupled with their massive international network of registered users, finding someone local proves to be a next to impossible task. However, there are alternatives:

Forums specifically for the PNP community:

An insider tip lead me to these two soon to be gems, Both in development and soon to be released:

Two sister tube sites will be launching PNP Hookup forums to complement their respective PNP Porn sites, and turn them into more of a community.

PNP Specific Forums

ForGay PNPPeople:PNP Tube The first and largest tube site dedicated to the PNP Community

For Straight and Bisexual PNP after many requests from heterosexual PNP people, the founder of PNP Tube released the straight equivalent of

Alternative Dating Sites:

Forget about POF,Tinder and OkCupid - you might have marginal success or most likely close to success and then get the inevitable ban on your account.

What is there instead? There are some smaller niche dating sites that have active communities intent to attract our people!

One site that seems to be gaining quite a bit of traction in the Straight pnp scene - one good thing about this is that it is both small enough to allow you a good amount of exposure while being large enough to have plenty of options in just about any area. Personally, I reside in a relatively medium sized city (roughly 80000 residents, maybe a hundred and ten thousand within a 30 mile radius) and I have had no problems finding locals.

Another that I can recommend, as a close second to the above would . It has a slightly smaller reach than letshangout, but much like the former, it is a promising upstart that tends to draw a lot of our people. Who knows? It may be the reverse in terms of popularity soon.

PNP Chat Groups:

These are not the old fashioned chat rooms that those of you over 30 will remember from AOL back in the day, but some of them might bear some resemblance to them, at least I have found it to be true.

One such example of this would be Kik (the app). You can search for various chat groups based on keywords, and odds are you won’t have much trouble finding a PNP Hookup group dedicated to your location or a nearby location.

PNP Friendly Social Networks:

So the big guys are out of the question for a number of reasons, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and now Tumblr…

There are plenty of others that are PNP friendly and have a lot of us on there, and are definitely a lot of fun to frequent and view and share pnp related content, such as (the biggies Twitter and Reddit) as well as the upstarts and - and they would most definitely be my list of selections for this category IF they offered the ability to search for people based on location or distance. Sadly, that is not the purpose of those particular sites nor do they offer that functionality.

However, there are a few that do: is an excellent source whether you be gay straight or bi and have a Kinky streak. They offer searchable user profiles, Classified ads, groups (essentially forum posting), private messaging between users, and the ability to share media such as pictures and video, they also have the Shoutbox, which allows you to see everything people post in their Shoutbox in real time whether you are connected them or not although that has no geographic filtering, just a fun feature.

Another social network that has been garnering a ton of pnp fandom is Mewe. For the uninitiated, me.we is what is referred to as a decentralized social network where free speech prevails. Somewhat like what Mastodon is, but more feature-rich, less confusing and more popular. How you go about finding your communities is you can do a search for groups, and search for PNP, party, etc (we know our keywords) and join groups that way. A lot of our people have our chat groups set to private though meaning only invited people can see them even in search. The trick to getting into those is this:

Do a search for users using the same tactic you just used to search for groups. Send friend requests out to everyone with a screen name of that sounds like a fit for our goals and has a profile picture. Make sure you post something cool or funny or sexy and have a profile picture yourself. Ask them for invitations to groups. DONE.

Huge amounts of daily users and huge potential for local hookups whether you are gay straight or bi.

PNP Friendly Hookup Apps:

So you probably won’t be finding much PNP action on OkCupid or Baidoo… but luckily, those are not the only options.

Depending on your sexual orientation here are some apps available on both Android and iOS that will almost guarantee success:

For Gay or Bisexual men (or the “curious” or “so high they don’t care who does them”) there is:

Adam4Adam - one of the oldest hookup apps out there for gay man, if not the oldest with an app, is Adam4Adam. This is one that used to be at one point the largest hook-up site and app, however the gays are a fickle bunch and like to constantly pursued the newest and next thing so it is lost considerable popularity. That being said, I list this is my first choice because it does have enough usage in most areas to get the job done and, unlike all the other apps, it actually lists “PNP” as one of the options in your profile under “looking for” AND allows you to search specifically for “looking for: PNP” and sort by distance!

Grindr - although not everybody on their is party-friendly, and grinder has cracked down on certain things such as what words or emojis can be used, luckily our terminology is forever changing and forever updating, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble conveying your wants on your anonymous profile or screen name and there are typically plenty of men in the area looking for pnp now.

For Straight PNP People there is:

Whisper, although it is not specifically for PNP people, this completely anonymous app enables you to get in contact with like-minded individuals through what are called “whispers”… You can reply to whispers that other users posted either by direct private message or with a whisper that is shown publicly in response to their whisper, same concept as a comment on a Facebook share or a Reddit post or tweet, but in the whisper format which is easier to grasp by actually seeing it as opposed to me explaining it. You can locate these whispers either with their default method which is all whispers near you sorted by distance, and you can also join groups based on specific interest and/or localities which serve as a more anonymous, per capita more naughty, and more locations centric version of subreddits with whispers as the post format

In addition to whisper, both of the social networks listed in the previous section can

very easily be considered numbers 2 and 3 for this category.

Me.we, out of the two, is the more trendy one which has it’s app posted both on Google Play and the Apple app store. It’s app is also much more robust and user-friendly the functionality is 100% there to the point where I had been using it for a month, built up a following of over 1500, become a member of posted in it and even created a few groups before I even realized that there was a desktop version!

FetLife is another one that if you are both a partier and a kinkster, which most of us tend to be, will very much appeal to you. Their app is not available in either the Google Play store or the Apple app store, largely because they make no qualms about exactly what the site is about and what it’s for and what they represent which is commendable. Luckily, their extreme popularity makes it to where it does not hurt them at all to have their mobile app only available for download directly from their site. Their mobile app is nowhere near as functional as mewe, but it certainly gets the job done and will definitely send you the notifications you need when you receive messages from party people.

Classified Ads / Personals:

How To Find Someone On Hookup Sites Without

With Craigslist personals and Backpage out of the picture and doublelist being double douchey, are options in this regard are not as great as they used to be, but some do exist.


One place where we can find such listings would be casualx this site also has an app on Google Play and the Apple app store, it is somewhat of in between Craigslist ads and one of the more robust apps for hookups. It definitely does the job though.

Pernals also has a classified section that is frequent it more by PNP People than non PNP people, but it’s also not that heavily trafficked

For gays: nastykinkpigs has a classified functionality as well and an enormous underground user base.

Social Tube Sites: if you can try your eyes away from the pouring for a second when you visit one of these sites, you will also notice that there is a social component to all of these. There is a reason why a lot of these sites will come to you to create a profile. It enables you to not only be seen when you post or comment on videos that come up in your search, it also in the cases of the following, enables you to search for other members and chat with them as well based on specific search queries, along with gender and sexual orientation or preference, age etc. And if they have filled out their profile completely and dropped one or two of our keywords somewhere in the profile either in this screen name or in the content of the profile you should have no trouble finding them.

How To Find Someone On Hookup Sites Websites

That said, you can sort by distance. You can use the advanced search functionality to Target as narrowly as you really need to, but the more specific you are the fewer you’re going to find. Or, alternatively, you can also sort by distance and who is online. If it is 2, 3 or 4 in the morning where you are, and they are online at the moment, odds are they are one of us!

These tubes I mention, where I have had personal success, include motherless, XVideos, and Xtube. Arguably pornhub as well. There really is no need to break this category down by gay or straight, as there are plenty of all orientations on all of the above tube sites and it would be almost equally easy to find party people on any of those sites.


Well ladies and gentlemen, party people of the world, my PNP peeps, there you have it - some of the best sources on the internet by cell phone tablet or laptop, to find your local PNP people next time you’re looking to hook up. Perhaps this will save you some time, happy hunting!

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How To Find Someone On Hookup Sites Online


PNP freak, expert fellacitst and cunning linguist, and webmaster