Good About Me For Seeking Arrangements

Good About Me For Seeking Arrangements

Got there and nothing. Got coffee and ended up seeing a friend who was visiting from overseas.I was annoyed that he couldn’t respect me enough to tell me but I moved on. Was under half my allowance expectations. Both of us said our farewells and good lucks and he thanked me. Seeking Arrangement is a site that connects “sugar daddies” and “sugar mommas” to “sugar babies.” In other words, this “dating” site helps wealthy individuals (who are often a bit.

Sugar Baby Profile Example – Pictures

Seeking Arrangement Stalker I’m a 21 year old college student who is in dire straits to pay for my education in order to further improve my career options for the future. I work two jobs tiredlessly just to get by so I’ve decided to try looking for a Sugar Daddy to help out with my living expenses.

Today we are going to give you a sugar baby profile example and the type of pictures that get the most views. When it comes to pictures a lot of sugar babies go over the top and that is not the way to go. Don’t go over the top with make up and don’t put up any full body shots where you can’t see your face. Natural, fresh looking and young close up shots get the most views and likes. Try to smile and show off your personality in the best way possible through a photo and this will be the one thing that gets you a date.

Here we are going to give you a sugar baby profile example of the about me section.

“I am a red headed, 24 year old who is looking for fun. I like men who are strong and know what they want. I am not looking for anything in particular but I like dark eyed men. I like to go out, eat and enjoy life. I live every day like it is my last and I could show you some fun, if you let me.”

Sugar Baby Profile Example – Hobbies, Talents and Things You Love

Don’t forget that the hobbies, talents and things you love are also important to your profile. Here is a sugar baby profile example which we love!

Seeking Arrangement Arrest

SeekingGood About Me For Seeking Arrangements

“I love to do a lot of things. Sometimes a good movie and a good book (a romance of course) is my thing. I visit the gym and like to take part in sports activities. I love to visit new places and try new things. Travel is a top hobby and I want to find someone who I can do it with. I can also show you some good dance moves as well.”

Sugar Baby Profile Example – What Are You Looking For?

In this last bit we are going to show you a sugar baby profile example of what looks great in the ‘What are you looking for?’ section.


“I am looking for a man who has experience with life. Someone who I can have fun with and no serious attachments. I want someone who can afford to take me out and shower me with gifts but I am not spoilt and am not looking for ‘allowances’. I want a sugar daddy simply because I like older men who know what they want. Someone who will appreciate it when I dress up for them.”

These are out top examples which we picked up so use them as a basis when creating your sugar baby profile.

After extensive research – I realised there was a whole world out there for sugar I never considered.

Admittedly, I regretted not starting a decade ago as most Sugar babies seemed young, ‘hot’ and your typical university student who was in need of money to pay their way through college.

In Australia, we have a different system where the government loans you the money to gain and education and you then pay it back when you start making enough money.

So here I was, after two degrees and working in two stable jobs (yes, two!) thinking of a way I could find a niche in the market I could slip in to so I could target in my profile

What is it that SDs want that I can give them?

I looked at a few profiles and whilst a lot of them asked for a ‘young attractive companion’ of some sort, a lot also wanted brains, they wanted a conversation, they wanted to help SBs. Then I found my niche.

Whats A Good About Me For Seeking Arrangement

Every part of my profile I completely researched; not wanting to over represent myself or under represent myself.

Username: The first section asked me for my username in which they advise not to use your real name so I opened up a random username generator and clicked away until I found one that suited me – in my mind, I wanted something neutral. Not too feminine as O felt it represented me best.

The heading: An eye catching heading that stood out from the rest. After a bit of research, I had read one SD say the best eye catching heading he saw was, ‘Welcome home’. Based on that, I decided I’d settle on the focus of making my SD laugh or spark his curiosity.

Photos: They had to be clear, with full body shots and without others. A few private ones just to release to those you’ve deemed worthy. I chose a few that highlighted my features and gave a true representation of myself without scaring people away (hah!). I could only imagine what kind of photos the other SBs were posting out there so once again, my photos had to tell a story.

Personal Info: Whilst it was stock standard and easy, I was stumped on my occupation and Lifestyle expectation. I have a high status position (that doesn’t make that much money) but putting that on my profile wasn’t going to be a good idea, I figured. And as for my Lifestyle expectation, I had no idea… so I chose negotiable. Having thought about this, I may change it in the future.

Bio (About me and What I’m looking for):Having been on various internet dating websites, I was used to talking about myself in an assertive way to scare off the guys. But this was different. There was 8 SBs for every 1 SDs so I had to impress whilst still sounding like I needed help or some kind of mentorship. I had to sound like I didn’t have it all figured out and I still wanted more.

Good Headings For Seeking Arrangements

And there it was, my profile – I was happy with it and hoped it was enough to attract the right SD…