Dating Site For Celibate Singles

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  1. Welcome to Celibate Passions! A 100% free online dating & social networking site specifically for Celibate singles and Asexual singles looking for platonic relationships. While Asexuality is a sexual orientation and Celibacy is simply the lack of having sex (either on purpose or due to some reason), Celibate Passions is a welcoming environment.
  2. “There are a lot of Black celibate singles and even more that are open to being celibate,” states Billingsley when asked about the demand of an online dating experience such as this. “There is a need for a platform such as because it inspires singles to become celibate, remain celibate and to match them with other like.
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Anyone who has ever attempted to date while practicing abstinence can tell you that it’s not an easy task. Navigating through the dating world can be challenging enough, but making the life-changing decision to close the shop and hold out on the goods in some ways makes things even more complicated. Entrepreneur and founder of, Jeremy Billingsley, however, is seeking to make things a bit easier for abstinent singles with his new site. According to the company’s vision statement, the goal of the site is not only to connect celibate singles, but to dispel untruths and stereotypes placed on people who practice celibacy.

Dating Site Meet online. Dating sites is one of the best ways to find a fun and interesting person that would be great for a date. There are many sites that can help you to do this. There are free dating sites, paid ones. Online dating sites has a lot of benefits, but some dating sites are too great. New Dating Site Brings Celibate Black Singles Together Finally, there's a dating site where you don't have to wonder if he's just looking for a bedroom buddy. The founder of fast-growing new.

“At BlackCelibacy we are dispelling the antiquated notions about celibacy for Black Singles, such as celibate people are unattractive, celibate singles are scarred emotionally, or if you are celibate you can’t date. Black Celibate Singles and Black Singles are joining at an alarming rate and finding love. Black Singles practice Celibacy for a number of reasons, such as: Spiritual, Ethical, avoiding STD’s, Self Discipline, Self Discovery, or just simply trying to avoid Premature Relationships. BlackCelibacy is more than a dating site with a niche of celibacy for Black Singles. Our dating site connects with Black Singles from a Spiritual, Ethical, and Social stand point.”

During a recent interview with, Billingsley revealed that he’d actually received inspiration for the site while listening to a sermon one Sunday.


“I was in church and the pastor was preaching about love and and he was really trying to direct the sermon to the singles there, and I though to myself, outside of the church there really aren’t that many places where celibate singles can go that embraces that lifestyle and meet others on the same accord as them. When like-minded singles can get together you’re going to get better results.”

He went on to say that the alarming percentage of Black children being born into single-parent homes and people being plagued by STD’s serves as a driving force in his efforts to promote celibacy awareness as well.

Celibate Singles

“I’m married with three kids. One of the reasons I did this is because over 70 percent of Black kids are born into single-family households and the HIV and AIDs crisis. I wanted to do something different that would make a difference in the future but we’ve been deeply embraced within the Black community.”


Billingsley was also sure to communicate that although Black Celibacy is faith-based, the site is open to anyone who practices or is considering practicing celibacy.

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“We are a faith-based site but our mission is celibacy. is for anyone who is celibate or considering celibacy. And it’s for those looking to meet others with the same values. We’re growing now. There aren’t just Black people on there. We actually have people of all races on the site.”

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What do you think? Would you try out a site like Black Celibacy?

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